I know that youtube has a code you can copy and paste a video onto your myspace but if it's a video from a different website, is their any application you can download to get a code to post the video on your myspace?
Is their anyway to post a video from a website on your myspace profile without having a code?
sorry no
Is their anyway to post a video from a website on your myspace profile without having a code?
You can upload the video to Youtube and get a code there...
Is their anyway to post a video from a website on your myspace profile without having a code?
No sorry,you need the code....BUT....You can save the video to your computer then upload it to youtube or myspace TV...Good luck hope i've helped!!
Is their anyway to post a video from a website on your myspace profile without having a code?
What website is it? you may be able to replace the Url in the youtube code with the video url that you want..yeah thats pretty complicated..haha i guess the best thing to do is download the video, and then upload it to youtube
Use mediaconverter.org to download videos if you want its pretty easy..
Is their anyway to post a video from a website on your myspace profile without having a code?
umm. mabye if u try scrolling down and look under the video.
ityll say something like url and object.. highlight the object. and copy it paste it . and go to the edit section on your myspace.. then scroll down video/ music section and paste it there. save it and ur good to go!. and if that doesnt work try it on youtube and copy what the heading on the video on the other website and search for it on youtbe and do it the sae way i told u..
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