i want to make a birthday invitation on microsoft word and post it as a bulletin, how do i go about doing that?
How to convert a microsoft word document into code for myspace?
Save your microsoft word file with all the pictures and text as a web page. Try going to File and then save as a web page. If that is not available, you need a newer microsoft word. Once you save it, open it using notepad. This will allow you to view the code. If you copy the code to myspace and you can't see the picure, you have to post the picture(s) onto a weberver, on the internet, go back to Word and switch the picture with the one you just uploaded to the internet, save it as a web page, read the code, and recopy the code onto myspace. This should allow you to post a word document with (a) picture(s).
How to convert a microsoft word document into code for myspace?
try eveerythang
How to convert a microsoft word document into code for myspace?
the only way to do that is turn the picture into a picture file such as a .bmp .jpg etc etc and then find a free picture hosting website such as tinypic.com and photobucket.com. once its uploaded to those sites it will create a code for you. but you cannot make a code for a .doc file. has to be a picture file.
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